For some it is not enough to command vast armies, control great riches, or cast spells that change reality itself. There is a secret ritual that can transform a person into something more than human (or elf, dwarf, etc) - but there is a risk.

The Ritual

A Character must begin a turn in a Runes space and must miss a turn to attempt the ritual. A Character sacrifices Magic Objects, Spells, and Craft (but not beneath the starting amount) and rolls two dice. If the total of the Magic Objects, Spells, Craft, and the roll is greater than 13 then the Ritual succeeded! If the total is 13 or less than the ritual failed. Thankfully there are things that make the Ritual easier to complete.


A sucessful Ritual allows a Character to instantly regain all Craft and Magic Items sacrficed and draw 1 new Spell for each Spell sacrificed. The lucky player takes the Transcendent Master Character card and now plays with its advantages. There can only be a single Transcendant Master Character in play but it is permanent, the Ritual has forever changed him.


A failed Ritual costs a Character all the Spells his sacrificed and he only regains half the Craft and Magic Objects sacrificed (rounded down in both cases). The unlucky player then akes the Abomination Master Character card and now plays with its disadvantages. There can be multiple Characters stuck with Abomination Master Character cards and there are Enemies lurking about that already tried and failed the Ritual!

Minor Rule Changes

1. The Astral Conjunction gives a +2 bonus to the Ritual while it is occurring.